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Become a Voyager

Join the your fellow Patriots as we sail to Reclaim America.

Mast I

Find and Source from Patriotic Brands

Search for products and services from companies that stand firm in the American principles of Life, Liberty, and Property. 

Red, White, and Blue

These are the colors Americans trust to do business with, so we are diligently exploring for and finding brands that honor what our flag stands for and its meaning to every Patriot. 

Mast II

Discover Your American Identity and Heritage

Explore the principles and history of the American people that has built the greatest nation on earth. 

One Nation Under God

Learn about what has made American different from every other nation in history and why we as Patriots pledge allegiance to God, our flag, and republic for liberty and justice for all. 

Mast III

Build the U.S. Economy and Personal Financial Freedom

Open avenues for economic opportunity in American business and personal financial freedom by referring potential clients to Patriotic brands.

The American Dream

The Land of Opportunity has been the foundation of prosperity for millions of people. To secure this opportunity more for Patriots, we are finding new routes for commerce and trade. 

Mast IV

Find and Connect with Fellow Americans in Need of Support

Find and connect with Americans that support our Military, Veterans, and First Responders out of the gratitude we share for their service. 

Never Forgotten

The Military members, Veterans, and First Responders of the U.S. have secured the liberty we are cherish in America. Their service and sacrifice will always be remembered by their fellow Americans. 

“Every post is honourable in which a man can serve his country.”

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