Find Patriotic and Family-owned brands
Buy from Patriots and American families.
Find companies that put values first.
Support brands that want the best for our country.
Pro-God, Pro-Life, and Pro-Freedom
Family-owned and Patriotic Brands
America First Companies
Are you tired of companies that have sold out? We are too, so that’s why we’re building a Directory and Marketplace of grassroots brands that stand on good values and are America first.Â
Find companies that align with your values.
Shop from brands that stand on the side of Faith, family, and freedom.
Make America the land of liberty and opportunity once again.
Big and mainstream brands have sold out to socialist agendas and anti-American policies, leaving you uncertain of what you’re actually supporting. You deserve to back brands that align with your values. We know how hard it can be to find companies with strong principles, which is why we’re partnering with American businesses rooted in faith, family, and liberty.
Here’s how we do it:
1. Browse our Directory and Marketplace of Patriotic companies.
2. Offering curated products and services.
3. So you can support the values of faith, family, and liberty.
America has been set apart from the very beginning by the mission of explorers and pioneers to search for the land of freedom. This desire has made Americans build a nation like no other, and LifeLine is anchored to this American Spirit.
Freedom is the greatest gift to man. For it is by that gift that man has the ability to choose. Our mission at LifeLine is to make a platform that brings Americans the liberty to engage in economic trade with brands aligned with American principles and values.
LifeLineUSA is a Directory and Marketplace built to connect Americans to Patriotic and value-based companies. Our mission is to protect Life, defend Liberty, and safeguard Property.Â