We are Born Patriotic

The American Spirit Reborn
Washington at Valley Forge

“It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible. Do not ever let anyone claim to be a true American patriot if they ever attempt to separate religion from politics.”

– George Washington

Protectors of Life

American Patriots have written into the history the importance of life–something that millions of Americans have fought for in numerous wars. Many that claim to be Americans try to destroy life…but they do not understand what it means to fly the colors of Red, White, and Blue. These colors stand for the nation that was founded for the free worship of God, with life and liberty for all. 

Warriors of Liberty

America is home to the greatest Warriors for Liberty the world has ever seen. These men fought and sacrificed for our home so that we may live free. The stories of these legends have inspired countless Americans to honor them with by continuing to fight for our freedom.

The Dare to Dream


A nation of innovators fueled with the ambition to make the greatest inventions of mankind.

Our Land of Liberty

The United States is the place where we have the chance to live the American Dream, an idea that has drawn millions from across the globe to have a chance to lives we have all hoped for. 

“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”

From Ammo.com

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