Solid Custom Heirlooms
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What is real wood American-made furniture?
Real wood, made in the USA furniture is made from American grown hardwood and is designed and built in the United States. The best American-made furniture is created by dedicated craftspeople and artisans who take pride in their work and use domestically produced materials to create unique, durable and long-lasting pieces. When you buy American-made furniture, you can feel confident that you are getting a quality product that you most definitely wont find at online furniture retailer or at Costco!
The economic impact of buying American-made furniture
One of the most significant benefits of buying American-made furniture is the positive impact it has on United States economy. When you buy American-made furniture, you are supporting local businesses and workers, many of which live in parts of the country that have limited economic opportunities but access to very high quality natural materials.
According to a study by the Economic Policy Institute, every $1 billion in imports that is replaced by domestic production creates 7,500 jobs in the United States. By choosing American-made furniture, you are investing in the future of your community and the country as a whole.
Quality of American-made furniture
Furniture made in the USA is well known for its superior, high quality materials and craftsmanship. American hardwood furniture is stronger and more durable than the particle board used in low cost imported furniture. American hardwood is 100% natural and does not contain the Formaldehydes and other toxic chemicals found in mass-produced furniture. In fact, American hardwood is prized throughout the world for its strength, durability and natural beauty.
Here in Appalachia where much of the world’s highest quality Cherry, Maple and Oak wood grows, we see that much of the very best hardwood produced here is shipped to Asia and Europe. Do you want to help keep American lumber in the USA? Consider buying real wood furniture made in the USA.
You can tell if furniture is high quality by inspecting carefully to make sure it is made from real American hardwood. Real wood will show matching wood grain on all 4 sides of the material and have no seams or lines at the corners. Veneered particle board or plywood furniture manufacturing aka “fake wood,” will show telltale seams at the edges as well a repeated grain pattern throughout the piece.