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Find Patriotic companies to source product and services for your business
Break the Blockade

Born Patriotic: The American Spirit Reborn

Red, White, and Blue

The colors that should be on more products sold in the U.S.A. Our mission is to bring to you the suppliers and manufacturers that have their facilities in America. For far too long, our nation has been sold out to communist countries for our manufacturing needs. It’s time we bring our jobs back home. 

To make American business prominent again in our economy, we are connecting retailers and manufacturers with U.S. suppliers. There are many business that can produce the product needed for domestic business but are many times overlooked by cheaper prices from other countries. Although prices may seem cheaper, Americans suffer in the long-term because of the loss of demand for domestic businesses. The more this happens, the more we lose the capacity to make wealth in our country. In response, we are offering a solution for American business owners to source from American suppliers.

Cowboy in American muscle car
American BBQ
John Deere combine harvesting wheat

Curated Solutions

An expanding selection of services, our goal is to find the best solution for your business for your supplier needs. Whether that be small to large scale orders, our job is to find an open route for American Trade.

Patriotic Values

When finding suppliers, we will look for the most Patriotic suppliers that could be used by your business.


We will look for the best suppliers based on size of product and orders needed. 

1+ Options

In our search, we will find 1 or more suppliers that could offer suitable solution for your business needs.


Regular updates will be given during the progress of finding a suitable supplier.

Blast through the Blockade

Patriots are ready to sail at your command

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